1. How does an idea for a story come to you?

A lot of reading. Observing things and people around.

That’s the best source of deriving ideas.

2. At what age did you start writing?

I began writing at age of 12. I began with random poetic musings

3. Is this your first book?

Well no. This is my fourth book.

4. What is the story in ‘Tales of Ramayan- Sita’s perspective’ about?

We all are versed with Ramayan which sings glories and hymns of Shri Ram. But somewhere down the lane, we have forgotten the virtues, the feelings, the emotions, and the valor of Sita.

This book of mine Tales of Ramayan- Sita’s perspective has been written with a prime focus to encase the emotions of sita in the truest form.

The story remains the same, but the book is a tell tales of Ramayan in perception and verses of  Sita

5. Why did you name your book as ‘Tales of Ramayan- Sita’s perspective ‘?

This book of mine Tales of Ramayan – Sita’s perspective is tell tales of Ramayan  in the perception of Sita as the main focus , exploring her thoughts , her glory and her valor

6. Which is your favorite character from this book?

I love kumbhkaran as much I adore Sita .

7. What do you think is more important- the words used or the feelings?

Words. Because words are the  medium to convey those feelings one wants to convey. Be it anger , fear , love etc. The kind of words we use elaborate what we want to speak or express ahead.

8. If a favourite character of your favourite book comes alive in front of you, what would you say?

Take me to the realms of their world. Would love to explore.

9. Is there a particular time of the day when you write your ideas? When?

 To me there is no particular time of the day. Ideas can happen anywhere at any point of time of the day. I just type my random thoughts in note pad as it occurs

10. Just like you are an inspiration to others, who is/are your inspiration?

Life is itself the biggest inspiration .

With each genre /topic i write in, i derive inspiration from the character written /people around.

11. What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?

To be able to do what I dreamt of.

12. They say, “Nobody can judge you, as much as you yourself can.” Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I do see myself as an established author , signing my copies to my fans across globe.

13. What would you do if you weren’t into writing?

I probably would be living a life in aesthetics as I love to paint

14. How do you react to the reviews that you get about your writing from your readers?

It feels overwhelming and at the same time it adds a sense of responsibility to be able to keep giving my best

15. Which is your favourite fictional character?

There are many but the one I love is sherlock holmes and harry potter

16. Who is your favourite author?

Rabindranath Tagore , chetan bhagat

17. List any 3 books that you would recommend to our readers.

Dan brown -inferno

Any of Tagore’s books are worth read from literature world.

18. Is there one specific subject you would never write about? What would that be?

Violence .

Writing should evoke reality and bring peace .

19. Which is your favourite genre? Why?

As of now i have tasted and enjoyed genres like fictional short stories , mythology and poetic realms

Fiction gave me scope to invade beyond my thoughts , while mythology got me deep down to the roots of indianness

20. Which genre, according to you, is the most difficult to write?

Every genre has its own flavor with pinch of challenges . So i dont quote any genre as  difficult .

21. Are you working on your next? What is it about?

Oh yes i have been working on my next which focuses on experiences , banters through lockdown times .

22. What is your message to other budding poets/writers?

Keep reading , keep exploring and no matter things make you feel falling apart keep writing .

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