Heena Vijayvergiya is the author of What’s Your Dream ?

Here is how she answered our questions.

1.How does an idea come for a story come to you?

If you pay attention to the smallest things, they turn out to be the biggest ideas. I’m very much attentive and try to grasp a lot from my everyday life. I want my characters to be realistic and only a real time situation and a real time idea can bring out a character like this. If people could relate to your idea, they will like it. I read a lot and watch lots of movies and shows, they all turn out to be a big help when I’m trying to craft my characters.

2.At what age did you start writing?

I was in school when I first wrote a poem. It was for a friend and she loved it enormously. I did not really think that I would write someday, but things eventually took shape and I’m here today with my book.

3.Is this your first book?

Yes, it is my first book. Before this I have written many articles, short stories and poems.

4.What is the story in ‘What’s Your Dream ?’ about?

What’s your dream ? is nothing but a simple tale of how magical friendship can be. There are so many emotions involved when you are friends with someone. They make you laugh, they make you cry, they love you like a family and just stand by you in every situation. And beyond all this, sometimes they make you take the biggest and the most challenging decisions of your life in the toughest times.

5.Why did you name your book as ‘What’s your dream ? ‘?

My book is named “What’s your dream ?” because I believe we all are dreamers. We all dream of a good life, a good job, a wonderful life partner, a happy relationship, a successful career and a lot more things.  But in our life, none of our decisions are just ours but there are so many people who influence us to be what we are and what we should be. And when this is all happening, we tend to forget what we actually want in our lives and just start living for others. The books talks about a person’s dreams, there will be people telling you that you can’t do a thing or sometimes you yourself will be believe that a particular thing is not for you. But at the end, doing what you wish to do or what you dream can only bring happiness to you.

6.Which is your favourite character from this book?

I can’t name one character. These characters are like my own kids and a mother can’t tell you who her favorite kid is. But if I would still have to choose one, I’d say Esha. She is never afraid of speaking her mind and doing things that she actually wishes to do. I just love the fact that she is always on her toes, she never listens to anyone and can pretty much make anyone’s day by being stupid and talking nonsense. She is an amalgamation of looks, brains and candidness.

7.What do you think is more important- the words used or the feelings?

They both go hand in hand. Feelings are important as if you cannot make your reader feel the emotion and move them, they can never be involved in the story. To indulge your readers in the story, you will have to impart strong feeling but at the same time, no feelings will be conveyed properly if you don’t use the exact words to explain those feelings. Strong feelings and good vocabulary are a lethal combination.

8.If a favourite character of your favourite book comes alive in front of you, what would you say?

Only one thing, do you really need to go back? Just stay with me please!

9.Is there a particular time of the day when you write your ideas? When?

Ideas can never strike you at a particular time. Mind is always thinking stuff and there are ideas coming to your head almost every minute. But you need to decide which one you like the most. I note down all the ideas on my phone first as I always have it with me. And then I pen the good ones in my journal.

10.Just like you are an inspiration to others, who is/are your inspiration?

I can’t say that I’m inspired by one person. There are so many people in my life who inspire me every day in one or the other way. Every one of us has so many good qualities and if we take inspiration from them and try to adapt those qualities, we can make a better life for ourselves.

11.What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?

I have achieved a lot of things and all of them have been great. I hope someday I get to say for something that it’s my biggest accomplishment.

12.They say, “Nobody can judge you, as much as you yourself can.” Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

You never know where life will take you. To be honest, three years ago I did not know I would be an author. At that time I wanted to take up a job in programming and do the regular coding and stuff. But life had some other plans for me and I’m here with a book in my hand. So I don’t actually see myself to be at a particular place. I’m sure I will have a good life, a happy family and my beautiful kids and might be some more books.

13.What would you do if you weren’t into writing?

I might have been a programmer or a school teacher.

14.How do you react to the reviews that you get about your writing from your readers?

Good reviews make you smile, no doubts! I really love it when people appreciate my work and tell me that they could relate to it. Especially those who take out time from their schedules to text me that they liked a particular incident. They keep me going. I appreciate the negative reviews as well; they help in making my writing better and push me to work harder.

15.Which is your favourite fictional character?

I love Augustus Waters from The Fault in our Stars. He is all funny, romantic and such a lovely character.

16.Who is your favourite author?

I like Sidney Sheldon’s work. He crafts all his stories and characters beautifully. I like Nicolas Sparks and Paulo Coelho. And in Indian authors, I love Twinkle Khanna’s books and articles. She is creative and humorous and her funny fables are simply awesome.

17.List any 3 books that you would recommend to our readers.

If Tomorrow comes, P.S I Love You, The Alchemist.

18.Is there one specific subject you would never write about? What would that be?

I haven’t really thought about it. For me it’s one thing at a time and I hope someday I have books in all genres.

19.Which is your favourite genre? Why?

All genres have their own charm. But if the book is about relationships and emotions, I’m more drawn towards them as I can relate to them.

20.Which genre, according to you, is the most difficult to write?

I guess Horror stories and Mystery books. You have to do a lot of homework before getting your hands into them.

21.Are you working on your next? What is it about?

I haven’t really thought of the entire plot, there are ideas and I just need to bring them in a direction before I actually start writing. Hope I do it soon.

22.What is your message to other budding poets/writers?

Just let it flow. I’m sure you will have lots of queries and there will be a continuous voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it. There will be days when it will be difficult, but that’s okay. Just grab some popcorn, put on your favorite movie and relax!

Never ever stop dreaming and never ever stop believing. Keep going, it will happen eventually.

All the best!

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