Pratik Sharma is the author of Our Dharma Between Us.

Here is how he answered our questions.

1.How does an idea come for a story come to you?

I met Joydeep (The character of the book) one day almost after 4 years. We shared some good time while sitting at one of the restaurants in Jalandhar. When he narrated his story to me, for few days it ran through my mind. Eventually, I decided to pen this story.

2.At what age did you start writing?

I was 20 when I started writing my first novel but couldn’t complete it for some reasons. Later, when I joined theatre I used to write screenplays. But officially this is my first work at the age of 26 which I wrote.

3.Is this your first book?

Yes, it is indeed.

4.What is the story in ‘ your book title’ about?

The story revolves around the main characters- Joydeep Singh and Meenakshi Sharma who are from Sikh and hindu families respectively. Their religion turns as an obstacle for both to meet.

5.Why did you name your book as ‘your book title’?

As the name “Our Dharma Between Us” itself depicts about their religion being a hurdle. Thus, I selected this name.

6.Which is your favourite character from this book?

My favourite character is Joydeep’s step mother, who selflessly devotes her life to Joy’s family.

7.What do you think is more important- the words used or the feelings?

I believe both are equally important. Good words are always required to illustrate the feelings. An author has to write in a way that it is relatable.

8.If a favourite character of your favourite book comes alive in front of you, what would you say?

My only question would be HOW? How can she love anyone without any expectation?

9.Is there a particular time of the day when you write your ideas? When?

No, there is no particular time to write. Like, I remember completing this book sitting at different places at different times and writing whenever the idea emerged. I wrote few drafts at mid-nights and some waking early mornings too.

10.Just like you are an inspiration to others, who is/are your inspiration?

My inspiration is my parents. I have grown up seeing them working day and night so that my sister and I can get good education.

11.What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?

The biggest accomplishment is yet to come. I believe accomplishments can only be better not best. The day its best, is the day when you won’t be able to be better.

12.They say, “Nobody can judge you, as much as you yourself can.” Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I have stopped thinking about future. Whatever I desired 5 years ago for today have not been fulfilled. If there is fate at last to decide for us then our desires have no place. I live in today and rest keep working.

13.What would you do if you weren’t into writing?

Mmm… I would be continuing with my job which I left for writing.

14.How do you react to the reviews that you get about your writing from your readers?

I think of a better word than thankyou. Reviews motivate to pursue what I do. It’s a great relief when people appreciate your work. And I pat my shoulder to deliver something which they can remember for years.

15.Which is your favourite fictional character?

I just completed “The immortals of Meluha” by Amish. I really am inspired from the author’s work and Shiva has become my favourite character.

16.Who is your favourite author?

My favourite author is Paulo Coelho. I have read almost all his books apart from two.

17.List any 3 books that you would recommend to our readers.

The Alchemist, The Monk who sold his Ferrari, Pride and Prejudice.

18.Is there one specific subject you would never write about? What would that be?

I can never try my hands in horror. This one genre is something I lose track of my imagination power. Horror movies have lighting work, sound and good graphics. To create all that too with words so that the reader feels frantic I guess is the most difficult task.

19.Which is your favourite genre? Why?

My favourite genre is Romance. I feel connected to it while writing and reading any romantic novel.

20.Which genre, according to you, is the most difficult to write?

As I said earlier, Horror is the most difficult genre.

21.Are you working on your next? What is it about?

Not yet, but the story is clear what I have to write. Can start it anytime. Just waiting for a good day.

22.What is your message to other budding poets/writers?

I would just say to feel the character and the situation while writing. Many ask if intoxication helps to think better. I would deny. Rather say, passion helps you to think better.

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